Every real estate transaction is different, but there are a few things it’s helpful to understand up-front. Here are a few FAQs you may find helpful.

One of the first things we’ll do to prepare to list your home is to sit down, probably again over coffee, and have a listing consultation meeting where we’ll talk about preparing and pricing your home to achieve your goals. We’ll cover a lot of ground, so here is a quick reference for some of the most common questions.

What are the most important things for a successful sale?

Whether your goal is to get the highest sales price, sell quickly, or balance both, appearance and pricing are the two most critical factors when you list your property. As part of the listing process, I’ll help you take an objective look from a buyer’s perspective. We’ll concentrate on presenting your property for broadest appeal. There are lots of strategies pricing your property. Some work and some simply don’t. My approach is to start with a thorough analysis of how your property compares with recent sales from an analytical perspective. I’ll examine several different views, including how an appraiser might come up with a value. From that analytical starting point, we can adjust based on your goals.

One of the biggest questions on a seller’s mind is what commissions go for.

While in accordance with the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA), there are no fixed commissions for real estate and each is agreed upon on a case-by-case basis, there are industry norms. Typically, the seller pays around 6% of the sales price to their listing agent’s brokerage. This fee is determined at the time we form a listing agreement and also covers the amount of compensation to the buyer’s agent. Some of the things wrapped up in the listing fee are:

  • Expenses to list and market the house

  • Initial consultations with other professionals such as stagers, photographers, and anyone I feel strongly will help get the highest dollar for you home

  • Compensating the buyer’s agent. Typically, 3% of the listing fee is given to the buyer’s agent, which is also determined in the listing agreement.

  • Brokerage fees incurred by the listing agent and all other costs of doing business

  • And most importantly, skilled and knowledgeable fiduciary representation. I work in your best interest and your interest only.

So is your commission negotiable?

We can discuss it, but typically when I quote a listing commission, I have a pretty firm understanding of the scope of work to sell your property. Please remember that real estate is my profession. I am trained and licensed, have experience, and know the local market, all things that will help you sell your property more efficiently and statistically for a higher price. That said, I do take the expected complexity of the transaction as well as the number of transactions we have or expect to do together into consideration. 

Information presented in this area is designed to peel back the layers of the buying and selling process. You will find detailed checklists and flowcharts that I share with my clients to help guide us through the process. Many of my personal strategies and methods are disclosed. For that reason, the materials presented here are reserved for clients who have signed either the “Buyer’s Representation Agreement” or the “Exclusive Right to Sell Listing Agreement.” If you have questions about either, please contact me!